Thursday, May 2, 2013


  • Mother is getting mad and blamed him for doing for himself and not the people.
  • He is disappointing his mother
  • He is rerunning
  • Tiberius isn't really supposed to be able to run because he has already ran before
  • They beated tiberius to death 
  • They was no funeral
  • His body was dropped in the Tiber river
What is wring with rome?
  • Farmers lost farms when came back from italy.  
  • redused to the the lowest PROLETARIAN (proteryless but voting) citizen status
  • War profiteers abounded and traded in slaves, weapons, and often bought abandoned farms to create large plantations
  • "just grab some land" (Terberius Gracchus doen't like this
War profiteers
  • Used wealth to buy up ruined farms
  • Small plots were merged into large areas for vineyards, olive, groves, or livestock and ect.
  • Got slaves from Carthage
  • 1/3 of people were slaves in italy
The Gracchi attempt reform
  • The 2nd century bc they tryed to get the poor rights
  • They were murdered the the enemies in the Senate
The Plan of the Gracchi brothers
  • The rich to give up farms to the poor
  • The rich to give some food to the poor
The Best laid plans
  • Triberius only had one year and ran out of time
  • his (possibly illegal) re election simply enraged his enemies
  • Senate already hates him
  • they killed tiberius , and over 300 of his supporters
  • His younger brother Gaius later got elected tribute
  • Then they got tired of him
  • Same who cuts off head gets paid in gold
  • Septimuleius brought back head with lead in it
  • Wasnt paid
  • Thrown in river with 3000 supporters
Started with Julius Caesar
  • Was talented patrician formed a unique government with former sulla Allies( pompey, Crassus) also called Triumvirate
  • Pompey was a general
  • Crassus was the richest man in rome
  • Julius was named proconsul of so. Gual within 8 years conquered the rest, Parts of Britan and Germany giving him wealth , power, and influence
Power and Anbition
  • Pompey is jealous and senate is worried
  • They tell caesar not to come in with all of his army all of rome
  • He cross the Rubicon with army and took over
  • Caesar kills pompey and army because he was annoying him
  • Pompey is defeated in Greece , and it killed Egypt where he had taken refuge
Large and in charge
  • 46 bc Caesar returned to rome in triumph and was declared "father of the Fatherland"
  • Julius had himself tribune, supreme, prontiff consul, and dictator - some at the same time
  • Is Dictor for life
He he does with power
    • \resettle war veterans on farmlands in Italy and in the provinces
    • extend Roman citizenship to parts of Gaul and Spain
    • appointed citizens from the provinces to the Senate
    • build splendid buildings and roads
    • introduce reforms into every department of administration
He gets murdered by geting stabed
Octavion beats Mark Antony and runs out Lepidus
  • Octavian is the supreme warlord
  • he runs a military dictatorship
  • he is named "Augustus," which means "revered one"
  • he is in charge of the greatest empire in the world
  • he was 18 when Caesar was killed (44 BC)
  • now, less than two decades later (27 BC), he is the most powerful man in the world
beginning of Pax Romana (Roman Peace)
repulic ends

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