Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Christianity in the Pax Romana

  • It begins with Jesus
  • We learn about him in the gospels
  • gospel means good news
  • Jesus was a precher in judea who set himself apart from other "messiahs
    • Jesus taught that one must strive for perfection since God was perfect, and Jesus sought out the imperfect in society
  • Jesus's follers thought he was the messiah
  • he was beleived to be man and the son of god
  • both human and divine
  • Jesus was a threat to Roman rule and was crucified though his followers beleived he rose from the dead and ascended to heaven
  • People that spead the word of jesus were apostles
  • Paul of Tarsus was a jew who followed jesus after a miraulous vision on the road to Demascus
  • Paul talked about "Predestination" What meant that god choose who was saved and damned
  • He helped churches start and kept in touch in new christans by letters(corinth , thessalonia , rome, ephesus

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