Friday, May 24, 2013

  • Feudalism
     studies the relationship between landowners and warriors; terms used by historians to describe governmental system government and social institutions 

  • feudal compact-
    An arrangement between a lord and this vassal involving the exchange of property for personal service

  • fief- property lord gives this to a knight to become his vassal in the compacth

  • vassal- servant

  • knight- p
    erson granted an honorary title

  • homage-
    a vassal's act of promising loyalty and obedience to his lord

  • serf-
    A member of the lowest feudal class ( cant get out of it)

  • baron-
     were lords of large territories who usually paid homage to a king, next step higher then lord

  • peasantry- a place where peasants live

  • estates-
    In the Middle Ages, the groups that made up society; often defined as those, who pay, and those who work

  • manor-
    The principal farming property and social unit of a medieval community, usually belonging to a member of the feudal nobility or to a Church institution.
  • three-field-system- 2 spots of farm plant and one rest and it goes in a rotation

  • internal colonization- the process of cultivating and setting in formerly wild and in medieval Europe how they settled
  • suburb-
    urban area 

  • guild-
    An organization of merchants or craftspeople who regulated the activities of their members and set standards prices

  • master- A craftsman who the right to operate workshops, train others, and vote on guild business

  • journeyman-
    licensed artisan who had served an apprenticeship and who was employed by a master and paid at a fixed rater per day

  • apprentice-
    A "Learner" in the shop of a master

  • masterpiece

  • water mill- st
    ructure that uses a water wheel

  • iron plow

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