Thursday, May 16, 2013

rom wrap uppppp :)


  •  ruled from 284-303
  • 400000 people in army
  • 20000 officials 
  • ruled from 306 337
  • prays to christian god
  • 313- edict of milan
Struggle in 4th century 
  • more poor people
  • more tax collectors
  • peasants cant avoid taxes
  • Foreshadowing feudalism
Empire crumbles
  • romes power is decreasing 
  • huns migrate from china to Europe 
  • Visgoths take over spain, actually and loot rome itself in 410
  • Vandals control carthage 
  • Ostrogoths in Italy

    Franks in Gaul

    Angles and Saxons in Britain
End of era
  • 500 BC - the monarchy is abolished
    450 BC - the Twelve Tables are established
  • 44 BC - end of the line for Julius Caesar
    27 BC - 180 AD - the Roman Peace (Pax Romana)
    475 its over
  • first appeared in Europe from east of the Volga River (huns)
  •  entered Africa and by 439 established a kingdom which included the Roman african provinces (vandals)

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