Thursday, May 9, 2013


In the 3rd century

·         Epidermic disease spread through Empire
·         Hard to defend the frontier against barbarians
·         Emperors were losing power
·         2.5 years average for an emperor
·         Too many poor citizens
·         284 Ad was his reforms
·         Had a 400,000 people in the army
·         Divided Rome Territories into smaller provinces
·         Get 20000 officals
·         they were more efficient at collecting higher taxes - this greater yield provided for a larger army
Time marches on to 300 Ad…
·         60 million people in the roman empire
·         Millions are Christians
·         Christianity help the poor
·         more Christians - more face-to-face contacts - more conversions - more offspring
·         Christians are gaining power, becoming the ruling elite
·         Diocletian (ruled from 284 - 305) left Christians alone at first
·         Constantine ruled as emperor 306 – 337
How did Constantine restructure the empire?

  • He built the army up to as many as a half a million troops
  • He started a new gold coinage that kept its value for lots of centuries
  • He shared power with fellow emperors, (his sons)
  • He started to build an eastern capital , the city of New Rome , later named Constantinople  it was located between Europe and Asia  

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