Friday, May 24, 2013

  • Feudalism
     studies the relationship between landowners and warriors; terms used by historians to describe governmental system government and social institutions 

  • feudal compact-
    An arrangement between a lord and this vassal involving the exchange of property for personal service

  • fief- property lord gives this to a knight to become his vassal in the compacth

  • vassal- servant

  • knight- p
    erson granted an honorary title

  • homage-
    a vassal's act of promising loyalty and obedience to his lord

  • serf-
    A member of the lowest feudal class ( cant get out of it)

  • baron-
     were lords of large territories who usually paid homage to a king, next step higher then lord

  • peasantry- a place where peasants live

  • estates-
    In the Middle Ages, the groups that made up society; often defined as those, who pay, and those who work

  • manor-
    The principal farming property and social unit of a medieval community, usually belonging to a member of the feudal nobility or to a Church institution.
  • three-field-system- 2 spots of farm plant and one rest and it goes in a rotation

  • internal colonization- the process of cultivating and setting in formerly wild and in medieval Europe how they settled
  • suburb-
    urban area 

  • guild-
    An organization of merchants or craftspeople who regulated the activities of their members and set standards prices

  • master- A craftsman who the right to operate workshops, train others, and vote on guild business

  • journeyman-
    licensed artisan who had served an apprenticeship and who was employed by a master and paid at a fixed rater per day

  • apprentice-
    A "Learner" in the shop of a master

  • masterpiece

  • water mill- st
    ructure that uses a water wheel

  • iron plow

Thursday, May 23, 2013


The feudal compact
- feudalism is a term used by historians to describe gov system and the relationships between landowners and warriors
-Warriors were knights, would pledge to a lord, who would in turn give that knight land 
- lord would grant a fief(property) to the knight, who would then become the lord's vassal ( servant) this was called the "feudal compact"
-The vassal must fight for the lord when he needs ut and attend his court once a month
Homeage and knighthood
-a vassal was requied to pay homage to his lord, usually this meant kneeling down and talking the lord's hands in his while speaking an oath of loyalty
-men were apprenticed to oolder knights before they could become a full knight themselves
-when a knight died , his fief would revert to his son, though his lord would be protector of that son if he was underage or if it was a daughter
-some clergy were known to fight as knights themselves
feudal states
- Barons were lords of large territories who ussually paid homage to a king
- often a baron's army could outnumber that of a king, which kept a check on the king's power
The manorial estate 
- medielval society was divied into 3 estates ;: the clergy, the nobilty and the common people
- 3 field system
- villages sprung up on the around manors with small cottages for the peasants and a large manor house for the lord and lady
- used iron plow
-The lord was incharge he gave demands for people
-Women did women work
-Most peasents were serfs
The agrricultural boom after 1000 allowed for establishment of many town across europe 
Most medievsal towns were surrounded by walls
Towns had main chruch and main marketplace
1. merchants 2. skilled craftsmen and artisans 3. unskilled laborers and apprentices 
Guilds ment groups 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


We got back our test and i did bad :((( once again.... I am just slip these last quarters.  I gotta do better

Sunday, May 19, 2013


I wasn't in class because i was fishing,  and i didn't have internet all weekend so i hope you can except this late.  I just got home with internet im going to take a nap

Thursday, May 16, 2013

rom wrap uppppp :)


  •  ruled from 284-303
  • 400000 people in army
  • 20000 officials 
  • ruled from 306 337
  • prays to christian god
  • 313- edict of milan
Struggle in 4th century 
  • more poor people
  • more tax collectors
  • peasants cant avoid taxes
  • Foreshadowing feudalism
Empire crumbles
  • romes power is decreasing 
  • huns migrate from china to Europe 
  • Visgoths take over spain, actually and loot rome itself in 410
  • Vandals control carthage 
  • Ostrogoths in Italy

    Franks in Gaul

    Angles and Saxons in Britain
End of era
  • 500 BC - the monarchy is abolished
    450 BC - the Twelve Tables are established
  • 44 BC - end of the line for Julius Caesar
    27 BC - 180 AD - the Roman Peace (Pax Romana)
    475 its over
  • first appeared in Europe from east of the Volga River (huns)
  •  entered Africa and by 439 established a kingdom which included the Roman african provinces (vandals)

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


The test was hard and thought it would be easyier :(.  I studyied and spelling essays were the problem. I hope i will get a good grade on the essay and i will be set .  I am going to read tonight and be ready for the dission thurday.

Monday, May 13, 2013


We made up questions for test on wed
Q. Who did Christianity begin with?
A.      Jesus
Q. What does Gospel Mean?
A. Good news
Q.  When did Diocletian start his reforming?
A. 284 AD
Q. Who are the four gospel writers?
A. Mathew, Mark, Luke and John
Q. What did Constantine rename the capital?
A. Constantinople
Q. How many people are in the Roman Empire in 300 AD?
A. 60 million
Q. What class of people was there too many of?
A. The poor
Q. How many people joined the army under Constantine?
A. 500,000
Q. What is the battle Constantine fought after he saw the vision from God?
A. The battle of Milvian Bridge
Q. What did the Edict of Milan do?
A. Protected all religions from persecution.

Friday, May 10, 2013



  • ordered a series of edicts 
first edict
  • newly built churches were demolished
  • demanded all spiritual thing to me demolished
  • prohibited assembling for worship
  • but people stopped worshiping in public
  • worshiped in private 
  • thought people who died for there religion were inspiration
  • all Christians were stripped of there rankings
  • wanted to eliminate the Christians
second edict
  • ordered arrests 
  • imprisoned bishops and priests
third edict
  • ordered to imprison clergymen 
forth edict
  • forced then to come out in public and sacrifice there religion
  • if they didn't they would be executed
Constantine's connection to Christianity
  • before he prayed to different gods and decided to try the Christian God
  • before they went into battle he saw Christ that promised his victory
  • he also built up the Roman army
  • he shared his power with other emperors
The Edict of Milan
  • means that you cant persecute anyone because of there religion
  • said that if you get your land taken away that you get it back

Thursday, May 9, 2013


In the 3rd century

·         Epidermic disease spread through Empire
·         Hard to defend the frontier against barbarians
·         Emperors were losing power
·         2.5 years average for an emperor
·         Too many poor citizens
·         284 Ad was his reforms
·         Had a 400,000 people in the army
·         Divided Rome Territories into smaller provinces
·         Get 20000 officals
·         they were more efficient at collecting higher taxes - this greater yield provided for a larger army
Time marches on to 300 Ad…
·         60 million people in the roman empire
·         Millions are Christians
·         Christianity help the poor
·         more Christians - more face-to-face contacts - more conversions - more offspring
·         Christians are gaining power, becoming the ruling elite
·         Diocletian (ruled from 284 - 305) left Christians alone at first
·         Constantine ruled as emperor 306 – 337
How did Constantine restructure the empire?

  • He built the army up to as many as a half a million troops
  • He started a new gold coinage that kept its value for lots of centuries
  • He shared power with fellow emperors, (his sons)
  • He started to build an eastern capital , the city of New Rome , later named Constantinople  it was located between Europe and Asia  

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Christianity in the Pax Romana

  • It begins with Jesus
  • We learn about him in the gospels
  • gospel means good news
  • Jesus was a precher in judea who set himself apart from other "messiahs
    • Jesus taught that one must strive for perfection since God was perfect, and Jesus sought out the imperfect in society
  • Jesus's follers thought he was the messiah
  • he was beleived to be man and the son of god
  • both human and divine
  • Jesus was a threat to Roman rule and was crucified though his followers beleived he rose from the dead and ascended to heaven
  • People that spead the word of jesus were apostles
  • Paul of Tarsus was a jew who followed jesus after a miraulous vision on the road to Demascus
  • Paul talked about "Predestination" What meant that god choose who was saved and damned
  • He helped churches start and kept in touch in new christans by letters(corinth , thessalonia , rome, ephesus

Monday, May 6, 2013


  • died in 30 ad
  • Jesus was a teacher to the Jewish groups
  • was a preacher in  in Judea 
  • Jesus was the Messiah 
  • Apostles were Jesus's followers and messengers of his teachings
  • He worked hard on proclaiming the good news 30 years later when Jesus died
  •  50 - 60 ad Paul wrote letter that still exist today
  • He founded in the city where Jesus founded the church
  • Orthodoxy practices by the catholic church that are true
  • Heresy practices by the catholic church that are false
  • Ascetic is a person who practices a life of self denial as a way to god

Thursday, May 2, 2013


  • Mother is getting mad and blamed him for doing for himself and not the people.
  • He is disappointing his mother
  • He is rerunning
  • Tiberius isn't really supposed to be able to run because he has already ran before
  • They beated tiberius to death 
  • They was no funeral
  • His body was dropped in the Tiber river
What is wring with rome?
  • Farmers lost farms when came back from italy.  
  • redused to the the lowest PROLETARIAN (proteryless but voting) citizen status
  • War profiteers abounded and traded in slaves, weapons, and often bought abandoned farms to create large plantations
  • "just grab some land" (Terberius Gracchus doen't like this
War profiteers
  • Used wealth to buy up ruined farms
  • Small plots were merged into large areas for vineyards, olive, groves, or livestock and ect.
  • Got slaves from Carthage
  • 1/3 of people were slaves in italy
The Gracchi attempt reform
  • The 2nd century bc they tryed to get the poor rights
  • They were murdered the the enemies in the Senate
The Plan of the Gracchi brothers
  • The rich to give up farms to the poor
  • The rich to give some food to the poor
The Best laid plans
  • Triberius only had one year and ran out of time
  • his (possibly illegal) re election simply enraged his enemies
  • Senate already hates him
  • they killed tiberius , and over 300 of his supporters
  • His younger brother Gaius later got elected tribute
  • Then they got tired of him
  • Same who cuts off head gets paid in gold
  • Septimuleius brought back head with lead in it
  • Wasnt paid
  • Thrown in river with 3000 supporters
Started with Julius Caesar
  • Was talented patrician formed a unique government with former sulla Allies( pompey, Crassus) also called Triumvirate
  • Pompey was a general
  • Crassus was the richest man in rome
  • Julius was named proconsul of so. Gual within 8 years conquered the rest, Parts of Britan and Germany giving him wealth , power, and influence
Power and Anbition
  • Pompey is jealous and senate is worried
  • They tell caesar not to come in with all of his army all of rome
  • He cross the Rubicon with army and took over
  • Caesar kills pompey and army because he was annoying him
  • Pompey is defeated in Greece , and it killed Egypt where he had taken refuge
Large and in charge
  • 46 bc Caesar returned to rome in triumph and was declared "father of the Fatherland"
  • Julius had himself tribune, supreme, prontiff consul, and dictator - some at the same time
  • Is Dictor for life
He he does with power
    • \resettle war veterans on farmlands in Italy and in the provinces
    • extend Roman citizenship to parts of Gaul and Spain
    • appointed citizens from the provinces to the Senate
    • build splendid buildings and roads
    • introduce reforms into every department of administration
He gets murdered by geting stabed
Octavion beats Mark Antony and runs out Lepidus
  • Octavian is the supreme warlord
  • he runs a military dictatorship
  • he is named "Augustus," which means "revered one"
  • he is in charge of the greatest empire in the world
  • he was 18 when Caesar was killed (44 BC)
  • now, less than two decades later (27 BC), he is the most powerful man in the world
beginning of Pax Romana (Roman Peace)
repulic ends

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

notes on movie

  • farmers lost farms

  • rich had slaves take over

  •  Tiberius returned to Rome with a celebration

  • he doesn’t want to say for nothing he did

  • people are proud of tiberius

  • he is getting married for political reason

  • Tiberius is vetoing everything the government says

Monday, April 29, 2013


We Had some issues with the movie but you left because you were going to try to fix it and oliva and becca came to the rescue and took charge and got us to watch the movie.  I really hope i can pull out and have a good ending to the year.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

the over throw

We had a test today and i thought i did well and i got a 76:( i thought i did better.  I really wish i did better.  I mean its better but its not that bad.  I really wish i got that dc question .  I guess i will have to do better.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


The council supported the rich
Everyone wanted to move to Rome
People got entertainment from gladiators
Gracchus brothers idea was the rich was give the land back to the poor
Got beat by a chair for giving the idea

Monday, April 22, 2013

song edit 2

Well, you got the Etruscans and the Greeks
But the Latins came first
To the shores of the River Tiber
They drained a swamp (They drained a swamp)
Next thing you know
Livin’ in Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome
Now Tarquin’s kinda proud
But he got a little loud (little loud)
They turned around and ran that tyrant outta town (hey!)
Next thing you know (next thing you know)
No kings no more
Happened in Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome
Hey, we got three governments rolled into one
Patricians and plebeians havin’ some fun
Two consuls gotta be better than one
Brand new republic ready to run
Plus monarchy
Not a tyranny
Ho-o-o-old up wait a minute, do I see what I think I… hey!
That’s a Roman legion clear as day
5000 soldiers not in it for pay
Group of eighty’s a century
On horseback is the cavalry
Shield, sword, dagger, and armor and tunic
Fightin ’gainst Carthage in wars that are Punic

Hannibal riding on elephant back
Crossing the Alps just to launch his attack
Rome wins 3 nothing! They crushed them.
So now you get the picture (picture)
All the rich are getting richer (richer)Kids take over bc everyone went to war. Rich bought farms
And they’re livin’ on the latifundia
Farmers can’t cope (They just can’t cope)
They’re low on hope
They moved to Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome
I can hear the brothers Gracchus
Sayin, “Rich, please don’t attack us” (don’t attack us)
“We got a feeling that the senators will whack us” (hey!)
They hit the floor (they hit the floor)
Next thing you know
It’s civil war, war, war, war, war, war, war, war
Hey, let me take you back to 60 BC
It’s the start of the rise of Julius C
He grabbed two dudes and he formed a team
It’s a triumvirate -- that’s a group of three
“Crassus (come on), Pompey (come on), I’m JC! (come on)
We three will rule!
What you think I'm playin, baby girl?  I'm the man!
I'm conquering Gaul!”
All of his soldiers gave him their devotion
That’s why he swept over Gaul just like an ocean
Pompey couldn’t understand all the commotion
When he crossed the Rubicon, he kept up motion
It’s just like a potion
Caesar had self-locomotion
Power’s an ambitious emotion
Dictator is not a demotion
It’s promotion
But in 44 BC (BC)
On a day called March 15 (Ides of March)
Brutus and the Senate murdered Julius C
He hit the floor (he hit the floor)
Next thing you know
Caesar’s no more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
You know he’s so depressed
23 stab wounds in his chest (in his chest)
He saw his friend and he raised one last protest (hey!)
Et tu, Brute?” (Et tu, Brute?)
That’s what he say
Cuz he felt low, low, low, low, low, low, low, low
Only eighteen, Octavian makin’ the scene
He says, “I tell you what,
Got a new triumvirate
Here’s my boy Lepidus
And Mark Antony I trust”
(‘Til Marky met this chick
Cleopatra from Egypt)
Octavian was freakin’
Lust for power started peakin’
“Don’t try to play me or my navy,
At Actium you won’t slay me”
“O” won that game
Did explain
Now Augustus was his name
All his subjects did proclaim
He’s in the Roman Hall of Fame
Twenty-seven BC (BC)
For a couple hundred years (207)
Pax Romana is the word that brings the cheers (Yay!)
They’re on a roll (they’re on a roll)
They built some roads
Leading to Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome
Slaves don’t have many rights and
Then there’s gladiator fightin’ (OW!)
People find the Circus Maximus excitin’ (hey!)
Blood on the floor (knee-deep in gore)
And now you know
All about Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome