Sunday, April 7, 2013

Notes on Alexander's life

King Phillip of Macedon
·                     Father of Alexander the Great
·                     had many wives
·                     Brilliant Military Mind
·                     Didn’t like his son Alexander
·                     Mother of Alexander the Great
·                     Better relationship with Alexander than his father
  •          Convinced people he was the son of Zeus because he didn't like his father.
  •          Took over in 334 BC at the age of 20
  •     favorite book was the Iliad and had it him at all time

·                     Alexander's tutor
·                     Alex wasn't a good student
Aristotle tutored Alex in
·                     Politics 
·                     Drama
·                     Poetry
·                     Science
·                     Philosophy 
                     King Phillip dies in 336 B.C.
·                     He was assassinated by his own body guard, who was in love with him, and became jealous so he killed him
·                      Bucephalus was Alex's horse
·                     Bucephalus in Greek means "ox-head"
·                     King Philip may have been assassinated by the  Persian Empire
·                     Alex faught against king Porus from India 
·                     Alex may have died from the flu or infections
·                     Alex died
·                     Alex had a son, Alexander the IV or forth, who was born after his death
·                     Alex said that the strongest gets to be King next
·                     All faught over who was going to be King and the empire got divided
·                     Alexander the Great was the first King of Asia
·                     He conquered the Asia Minor, Syria, and Egypt
·                     He ruled the largest empire - Macedonia
·                     Roxana was one of Alex's main wife 
In india was the battle when usefins died in the battle of aparasis

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