Sunday, March 17, 2013


Chapter 4 Study Guide
·Homer: Greek poet and that wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey around the late 9th century B.C.  His poetry kept traditional myths of deities’ personalities and deeds.

·Odysseus: in the Odyssey, the main character in Homer’s story. in the Odyssey and took part in the
Trojan war.

·Zeus: was a mythological god, ruler of the sky, king of the gods, and shared over lordship with 2 of
his brothers. He was the father of most gods.

·Athena: Daughter of Zeus ,goddess of wisdom.. People worshiped in Athens. Athena as their deity.

·Pisistratus: Pisistratus came into Athens with the goddess Athena. She was fake. He then became
the tyrant of Athens.  The common people helped him due to the fact there are more of them than are
aristocrats. He provided free loans to help extend to the common people for land and reduced their
taxes. He made the way for Democracy.

·Cleisthenes: Born in 570 B.C. and was later a leader. He was an aristocrat and tried to over throw
Hippias. He was later ostracized.

·Darius (the Great): The Persian King. He was king when the Persians first attempted to overrule
Athens in battle. died in 486 B.C.

·Xerxes: Darius’s son. Was the new Persian king. Goal was to take down Athens. He burned down
the Athens acropolis and later lost in the second battle between Athens and the Persian Empire.

·Pheidippides: he ran 140 miles from Athens to Sparta in 2 days to ask for their help.

·Themistocles: Wasn’t an aristocrat. He informed the people of Athens to use the new found silver to
build 200 triremes to defend against the Persians. Then was ostracized. Cleisthenes was in power
during all this

·Pericles: Goal was to reconstruct the Athenian acropolis. It was burned down and left  as a
memorial to those who died in the war, into a temple to Athena. In 431 B.C., he took the podium and
presented a plan to begin a war with Sparta. When the war began, Pericles was told to abandon all
area around Athens and go to the port and live in the tail of massive walls. Pericles died of the
plague in 429 B.C.

·Aspasia: Classy prostitute . Later became the leader of Athens as the consort of Pericles. ‘First Lady
of Athens’ was unmarried and because of her determination to be treated as an equal, their
relationship caused scandal in the male-dominant world of classical Athens.

·Socrates: Man of great logic. He invented the idea of decisions on good and bad and got the
Athenian people to think for themselves.  Died of hemlock.

·Plato-  was a philosopher of greece

·Aristotle  - (384 BC – 322 BC) was a Greek philosopher.  Student of Plato

·Alexander the Great - 336–323 BC never lost in battle

hens = capital of greece

·Sparta = most known city of greece

·Peloponnesus = large peninsula of southern greece

·Ionia = central coast of Anatolia

·Ionian Sea = emptied into the mediterrian sea

·Aegean Sea = located between the southern Balkan and Anatolian peninsulas

·Persian Empire = is modern Iran


1600 – 1200 BC: Mycenean civilization

1150 – 750 BC- Dark Ages

776 BC- Olympic games started

750 – 700 BC- Homer wrote Illiad and Oddessey

508 BC-Athens started democracy, common people threw out Isagaros was taken over, he was
unprepared and had to agree to truce and Spartans were taken over, now they turned to
Clesithenous to take back over

490 BC- Fidipidis ran in the battle of Marathon

480 BC- Themesticlies created the tririms and that beat Persians and killed King Darius with
them and even though they were outnumbered they still won straight of salimus is where they
were lowered into

461 – 429 BC- Age of Periclies

447 – 438 BC- they built the Parthanon

431 – 404 BC- Pericluis takes podium and says they must fight Sparta. They had peloponesian
war end of golden age, lost 1/3 or 2/3 of people cause of this war, Periclius died because of the
plague also

399 BC- Socrates

336 BC- Alexander the Great creating empire

Greek Political Structures

·Monarchy: Was ruled by one King and power is handed down; A monarchy then gave way to new
forms of government that distributed power more widely among male citizens

·Democracy: Voting, meet in the agora and made decisions together, by the majority of male citizens

Oligarchy-  ruled by a small group of people

Aristocracy- few elite citizens rule

Greek Art
Sculpture-  3 dimensional plastic art.

Architecture- process and product of planning, designing and construction

Drama (tragedy and comedy) – based on human suffering

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